Financial Aid

Fashion Institute Financial Aid Program and Policies

Fashion Institute is founded on core philosophies that have never deviated from our inception. That is to provide the highest quality teaching/learning experience in Second Life and to make it available to anyone that wants to attend. FI is a private for-profit institution that works with generous sponsors who are willing to subsidize students in order to introduce or forward SL careers in fashion. This is their way to “pay it forward” to the industry that they love. Our scholarships never need to be repaid, nor are there any exclusivities implied or expected. The scholarship program was created to help those who need financial assistance in order to attend. If you have the means to purchase tuition, please do not apply so that those who do need it can receive the benefit.

Unfortunately, we receive more applications than we have actual scholarships to award. In addition to scholarships, we also offer our Work Study Program. This second branch of our financial aid department addresses a way for those who wish to attend by working in one of the many jobs in the Fashion Palace Group. There are a limited number of jobs and they are filled depending on the qualifications of the applicant.

If you would like to apply for financial aid, please complete the online Student Financial Aid Application.

To view a current list of Scholarship Foundations, please click here.

To view the complete Fashion Institute Financial Aid Program and Policies, please click here.